Is superannuation still your most efficient wealth creator? 

3 rows of coins that grow in height.

The proposed new superannuation legislation that places an additional tax on superannuation earnings on balances above $3m creates an environment in which investments are unequally treated. 

Investors who do not understand the nuances may end up paying more tax than they would otherwise pay.

Trusts: Understanding Appointors and Successor Appointors

Image features hands of two people signing a trust document

Many trusts, including many SMSFs, do not have an Appointor or a Successor Appointor. In times of disagreement between beneficiaries and the trustee this might be a costly omission, particularly if the matter requires litigation to resolve it.

New Tax on Superannuation: Update on Proposed Changes

In Act 3 of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the protagonist is in a state of both grief and shock having discovered that his father has been murdered by his uncle. Lucky for Hamlet that he didn’t have the intricacies of superannuation and death benefits to contend with.

Death Benefit Nominations – Estate planning

In Act 3 of William Shakespeare’s Hamlet, the protagonist is in a state of both grief and shock having discovered that his father has been murdered by his uncle. Lucky for Hamlet that he didn’t have the intricacies of superannuation and death benefits to contend with.

When Superannuation Fails You

In this article we will explore some of these misconceptions and key failings of superannuation that we think everyone should be aware of.